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EH Bildu and abstention reduce the hegemony of the PNV

  • The elections have been very abstaining, and the biggest competition has been between PNV and EH Bildu: the first has gone down and the second has increased. In the Parliament of Navarra UPN has maintained the 2019 victory and PSN has maintained the second position. At the General Boards of Araba and Bizkaia, although the PNV has repeated the victory of 2019, it has lost seats and EH Bildu has grown in both. In the General Boards of Gipuzkoa, EH Bildu has imposed on the PNV, made possible by the seats won by the former and those lost by the latter. In the municipal elections, EH Bildu was the first force in most municipalities of Hego Euskal Herria.

29 May 2023 - 00:04

In the Parliament of Navarra, UPN has won 15 seats, 5 fewer than in 2019 (the PP would receive 3 seats and the VOX 2). The second force will be the PSN maintaining the 11 representatives it had until then, but the block on the left will gain strength thanks to the rise of EH Bildu.Sumando the votes of the right block would be 21, would not exceed a government of the PSN, Geroa Bai and With You Navarra, provided that EH Bildu abstains (read the full analysis)

In the municipal elections in Navarra, in Pamplona there has never been strong competition between UPN and EH Bildu (2,500 at the end), and EH Bildu has increased in many municipalities. The right, on the other hand, has not joined. The PSN is going to make many mayors not go to UPN. (read full analysis)

In the General Boards of Álava he has won the PNV, in a strong competition with EH Bildu. They have won 15 and 14 seats, respectively, and the PNV has lost two seats and EH Bildu has won two compared to 2019. The PSE and Podemos lose one seat and Vox enters for the first time in the General Meetings with one seat. (read full analysis)

In response to the municipal elections in this territory, EH Bildu achieved a historic victory in Vitoria. EH Bildu won the elections in four of the seven most populated municipalities of Álava (Vitoria, Llodio, Salvatierra, Oyón), in Bi the PNV (Amurrio y Alegría) and in another the PSE (Iruña de Oca). The sovereign left of Arganzón de Treviño has lost the historical mayor of 2019 for the benefit of the PNV. In general, competition between EH Bildu and the PNV has prevailed in the Alavese municipal elections. (read full analysis)

In the General Boards of Bizkaia he has won the PNV, although he will have two junters less than in the previous legislature, in total 23. The second EH Bildu has done so and will have 15 junters (five more than in 2019). (read full analysis)

In the municipalities with the largest public influx in Bizkaia there will be no municipal changes. The PNV has maintained most of the major seats won in 2019, but the increase in abstention and the rise of EH Bildu have altered the separation of councilors, including the mayors of some isolated villages. (read full analysis)

EH Bildu has obtained the largest number of votes for the General Meetings of Gipuzkoa: He has achieved 22 junters, 5 more than in the 2019 elections. The PNV, the PSE-EE and Podemos have fallen and the PNV has achieved 17 junters, 3 less than the previous one. (read full analysis)

In most of the municipalities of Gipuzkoa, EH Bildu has also won, imposing itself on the PNV. In San Sebastian he has won the PNV, but with two councillors (10 to 8) and over 10,000 lost votes, and EH Bildu has increased: It has achieved 2 more councillors (from 6 to 8) and in votes it has come very close to the PNV. In the 2019 municipal elections, in some municipalities where the PNV defeated, EH Bildu has been ahead, as in Tolosa and Arrasate. EH Bildu has featured in the mayors of all over the Upper Must. (read full analysis)

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