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EH Bildu denounces "signs" of attempted fraud in municipal elections

  • It notes the irregularity in the constitution of the Eastern District Board, excluding four electoral tables.

21 September 2023 - 08:30

All the councillors of EH Bildu de Donostia appeared this Wednesday to denounce the “serious irregularity” detected in the context of the constitution of the Eastern District Board.

They note that four electoral tables that are taken into account for the establishment of the Eastern District Board are excluded from the computation. In fact, the PSE-EE officially won the highest number of votes in the Eastern District, composed of the neighborhoods of Altza, Bidebieta and Intxaurrondo, with 24 votes more than EH Bildu. However, this count was conducted without counting the four polling stations. EH spokesman Bildu, Juan Karlos Izagirre, explained that given these four tables, EH Bildu would be the first force, bringing the PSE-EE a difference of 158 votes. “The conclusion is that the result changes radically,” Izagirre stresses.

Thus, being the first most voted force in the Eastern District, the spokesman proclaims that the presidency of the Eastern District Assembly is EH Bildu. In fact, in August the mayor gave the presidency to the PSE-EE, claiming that it was the group that got the most votes in the district. In this sense, the sovereign group has called for the “suspension” of this proposal and has proposed for the presidency the councillor of EH Bildu, Garbiñe Alkiza. They also propose the following distribution of political groups: three representatives from EH Bildu and PSE-EE, two from PNV and one from PP and Elkarrekin Donostia.

In addition, Izagirre has pointed out that EH Bildu will use “all the resources it has” to clarify what happened, and he said that if “some people have acted incorrectly”, “they will have to explain and take responsibility.”

PNV accuses EH Bildu of using the ‘trumpist tactics’

The PNV wished to respond to the information published by EH Bildu by means of a note. He recalls that the electoral count of the East Demarcation is carried out by the Legal Secretariat of the City Council, together with the technicians of the department of citizen participation.

After the first count, EH Bildu submitted allegations that two sections of the Eastern District had not been taken into account, and the legal secretariat now approves EH Bildu’s claim. The PNV therefore denies the attempt at electoral fraud and stresses that the electoral process has followed a “normal functioning mode”.

The PNV considers that EH Bildu’s allegations are “very serious” and accuses it of using “trumpist tactics” to question the operation of the city hall. “I don’t know what the next thing is going to be, perhaps take the city hall,” said National Councilor Jon Insausti, recalling the incidents of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The PNV also beat Juan Karlos Izagirre, spokesman for EH Bildu and former mayor: “He has pointed out to the legal secretariat and citizen participation technicians and is telling them that they have not done their job well.” “We believe that a former mayor or a municipal group cannot have this lack of respect,” said the nationalist party referring to the work done by municipal employees.

For the PNV, the “unique” conclusion is that EH Bildu did not win the municipal elections on May 28 and does not want to “accept the word given by the citizens”.

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