Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa, search for extracurricular activities in Basque from the Region of Pamplona

  • From 29 Sortzen Guraso Elkartea will launch the search engine. The objective is to bring together in a single digital portal the leisure already offered to promote the normalization of the Basque country.
Bilatzailean agertzen diren eskaintzak 3 eta 12 urte bitarteko haurrei zuzenduta daude, eta eskolako egutegiarekin bat egiten dute.

24 May 2024 - 09:24

The Sortzen Fathers and Mothers Association has created a search engine to collect the after-school offer organized by parents' associations or municipalities and bring it closer to families It is not a question of creating a new offer, but of picking up the existing one. “On the road to normalization of Euskera we are building linguistic ecosystems around the public centers of model D,” explains Iñigo Otxoa, a member of Sortzen, in his presentation at the Laba association of Pamplona. The website will be available from 29 May.

The project has five main objectives: to create a “reference” place for the dissemination and registration of extracurricular activities; to coordinate the leisure circuits entirely in Basque; to facilitate the work of the out-of-school commissions of the AMPAs; to create a network of contacts of the AMPAs, activities and educators; and to publicize the activities in the other neighborhoods and towns to facilitate access to the minimum tuition to form groups.

The offers shown in the search form are aimed at children between the ages of 3 and 12 and are in accordance with the school calendar, i.e. activities from October to May. In the case of activities organized by associations of parents, from 16:30 a.m. onwards, children who do not belong to the centre may be registered, with a preference for students. Registration can be made in the collector's own. In addition, all the activities are based on the methodology of immersion in Euskera: “The monitors will be trained to care for the immersion and dynamize the Euskera”.

At the moment, eight associations of parents from schools have registered: Amaiur (Iturrama), Bernart Etxepare (Chantrea), Ermitaberri (Burlada), Hegoalde (Arrosadía), Irulegi (Mutiloa), Patxi Larraintzar (Rochapea), San Francisco (Casco Viejo). However, in the coming courses they would like to add the “largest possible number of associations”. The registration of the activities of the AMPAs will be from 4 to 14 June, the communication of the collective training from 15 to 18, the payment of the activities until 23 and the accreditation of the plaza and the payment of those who were on the waiting list from 23.

They consider it very necessary to sensitize families about the importance of leisure. Education in Euskera accounts for 15% of children’s time and the rest has a “tremendous” impact on the transmission and development of Euskera.

Home, regulated education and leisure

They place the search engine within the strategy of the Basque normalization plan. The goal of the plan is for all boys and girls to feel comfortable talking in Basque. Therefore, they stress that it is “necessary” to create circuits in Basque at home and in leisure. Thus, three branches to be considered for transmission stand out: home, regulated education and leisure.

Before starting the search engine, they have carried out an awareness campaign because they consider it “very necessary” for families to be aware of the importance of leisure: “The sociology of the last years of model D is very diverse and not all families have the necessary orientation about transmission”. They add that education in Euskera accounts for 15% of children’s time and the rest has a “tremendous” impact on the transmission and development of Euskera.

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