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Basque children's schools will claim in Iruñea on 16 May

  • The call was made by the agents gathered in the Euskalgintza platform of Pamplona. The immersion model in Basque is offered in one of the 16 children's schools in the capital. They ask the City Council of Pamplona and the Government of Navarra to open a children's school with a model of immersion in each neighborhood.

10 May 2024 - 07:33
Aurreko manifestazio bateko irudia. Argazkia: Iruñeko Euskalgintza.

“It’s not something new,” says a father in the audiovisual report by Parents demand that children from 0 to 3 years of age learn in the Basque immersion model; the demand exceeds the supply. And they ask that public children's schools with immersion models open up in all neighborhoods, so that the daily transfer of children to school is possible. There are currently 16 public children's schools in Pamplona, of which only one has the model of immersion in Basque. The other three schools offer Basque and Spanish, and the three are in the north of the capital.

The demonstration has been convened by Euskalgintza of Pamplona, has requested public children's schools in Euskera and in the demonstration will claim that they want to live, educate and work in Euskera in Pamplona. Euskalgintza of Pamplona has pointed out that in Navarra the situation of the Basque Country is regrettable, because in addition to the attacks it receives, “the right to study in Basque is repeatedly denied”.

Euskalgintza de Pamplona brings together AEK, IKA, Sortzen, HE Guraso, AET, ELA, LAB and Steilas. The demonstration will start at 18:00 on Paseo de Sarasate on May 16.

The EHE has modified the advertising of several bus stops in Pamplona at Arraigo Week in April and has requested Euskaldunes children's schools. It supports the demonstration on 16 May.


The media has recovered this audiovisual work to explain the situation of children's schools in Pamplona. It involves, inter alia, parents, teachers and director of the Observatory on Linguistic Rights. The report was made in 2021, when the municipal government was UPN.


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