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Almost 90 years after his shooting, the remains of Primo de Rivera have left the Falls Valley

  • The creator of the phalanx is transferred to another Madrid cemetery without any echo being noticed. The transfer has been forced by the recent Democratic Memory Act approved in Spain.
Primo de Rivera diktadorea atera dute apirilaren 24an Erorien Haranetik, fusilatu eta 90 urtera. Irudian ageri den ohorezko lekuan egon da orain arte. (Argazkia: La Razón).

24 April 2023 - 10:45
Last updated: 2023-04-28 09:13:03

Falangist José Antonio Primo de Rivera was tried and blamed in the Second Spanish Republic in 1936, being shot and buried in a grave. After the Civil War, the body was exhumated by the fascists and buried in the monastery of El Escorial of Madrid until the construction of the Falls Valley, by order of Franco. He was given a place of honor in the Falls Valley and has since been there.

The Democratic Memory Act was passed last summer by the Spanish Parliament, which, as detailed in this article Urko Apaolaza, is a law with large gaps from the point of view of the victims, and that same law in its article 54 states that only in the Valley of the Falls will the victims of the Civil War be buried, but that no one can make a separation between victims, that is, that no one can have an honour. Therefore, before anyone can bring the case of Falangist Primo de Rivera to trial and a political conflict arises, his family has called for exhumation. It also calls for discretion.

They've done it in the early morning: they've got to work around 05:00 and they've taken the remains from the Falls Valley to take them to the San Isidro cemetery.

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