BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

30 years on the path of agroecology in Álava

  • Founded in 1993 by a small group of producers of the Bionekazaritza association in Araba, this year marks the 30th anniversary. “At that time there was no ecological and agroecological discourse today, or at least only a very small part of society knew it,” explains Lainoa Zarauz. The project was launched with the objective of filling this gap and delving into agroecological discourses and practices, and although the context in which it was developed has changed a lot, they continue to work with the same objective. An anniversary festival is held in Korres on 27 May.

15 May 2023 - 07:10

The promotion of organic production has been one of the objectives of the association’s 30 years, but not only from the point of view of production techniques, but also from the point of view of the autonomy of the dwellings, the existence of tailor-made projects, the independence of fossil fuels and external resources… “The road is to promote food sovereignty, and to this end it is essential to focus the daily work of the baserritars”. Looking beyond the ecological stamp differentiates the association of other projects.

When assessing the trajectory of these years, Zarauze stresses that the situation has improved in some way, but also sees some risks in its evolution: “Society is more aware and more reliant on organic products, but I also believe that European laws, while driving the increase in the ecological area and the reduction in the use of pesticides, do not take into account those social and political aspects to which we referred.” There is increasing awareness and organic production numbers are gradually increasing, but in other areas where agroecology is set there is still much to be done. “Because there is less and less relief, it is very difficult to have access to land, the small means of transformation and marketing have disappeared…”.

Festival in the Alavesa mountain

30 years are not observed every day and on 27 May they have organised a festival to celebrate the anniversary. It will be held in the village of Corres, in the Alavesa Mountain. “We wanted to decentralize the party, it is important to transfer this kind of party from the city to the rural environment.” In the morning a workshop will be held on "forgotten plants" and an introductory workshop to ornithology, as well as a talk on queer experiences in rural areas.

“We’re always in talks, workshops and courses, and we wanted the day to have that difference of enjoyment,” says Zarauze. There will be 40 consumers who are currently partners of the association and about 40 projects, but the invitation has been open to all citizens.

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