BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Irun Reception Network: These measures legitimize the racism of the security forces

  • SOS Racism, for its part, denounced "institutional racism" and stressed that only the opening of the dossier is "facial clean-up", in relation to the measures intended to be taken at the police station of the Spanish Police of Irun.
Irungo Harrera Sarearen manifestazio bat. (Argazkia: Gari Garaialde / Bostok Photo)

The Irún Reception Network has received with "surprise and concern" the prizes given by the migrant to the police for "hunting" and has asked the Spanish Police to immediately clarify the responsibilities of the events and give all the necessary resignations. Basically, the collective demands "actively respond" to the measures that were intended to be taken at Irun.

By the way, he recalled that Irun has been throughout history a migratory route and a natural destination, which today continues to be: "Irun has completed migration and is the same path our families took in 1936 to save lives in Hendaia fleeing fascists. Did those lives have more value because they were white? ".

SOS Racism: "For the Government of Spain the problem is that it has been made public"

"As if it were a hunting championship, the Ministry of the Interior (Spain) sets awards in exchange for detained migrants, something that has never been seen in police action," emphasizes SOS Racism, a non-governmental organization. "Proof of this is that the local boss signs the order." It says that the problem has worsened because the measure has been made public to the Government of Spain: "That's why the dossier has been opened, and that's facial purification."

They also remember what happens in Ceuta and Melilla: "These barriers act in a manner based on criteria in this sense, and then, in the eyes of the public, sweetened versions of police action are denied and invented".

LAB syndicate: Lack of political will to end these practices

Stressing that the institutional statements are "empty", he adds that "they are left over" and that there is a lack of "real political will", the nationalist union LAB stresses: "Because they are not individual cases, but they are protected from the impunity imposed by the public authorities."

He has also stressed the need to reopen the border in order to put an end to "controls by ethnic, political, racial or immediate dismissal". Finally, another request: That the Spanish Police stop "once" Euskal Herria.

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