The Monument to the Fallen of Pamplona appeared painted in red on Wednesday morning with paintings in favor of the demolition of the building and against fascism. The main door, its columns, walls and stairs have been painted in red and written on the side walls to the first line against both Fall and Fascism. Neighbors explain that the paintings were made last night because there were no paintings on Tuesday's trail.
The proclamation coincides with the demonstrations organized by the Socialist Youth Coordinator in the Basque Country on January 25 against the warmongering agenda and the normalization of fascism. Against war and fascism, young workers on the front lines! They will mobilize under the slogan.
On Saturday, January 18, 3,000 people demonstrated in Pamplona to condemn the new meaning of the Monument to the Fallen and to ask for its demolition, under the slogan Fall Down Now. The mobilization was called by 33 memorialist associations and several collectives, who criticized the agreement of the PSN, EH Bila and Geroa Bai to keep the building up “is not enough”.
Koldo Amatria, spokesman of the movement, highlighted that a year ago the struggle began to demand the demolition of the building and that the collectives “are faithful” to reach the goal. The legend Yolanda Ansó also insisted that the monument should be demolished, especially on the 50th anniversary of Franco’s death. “It would be a great gift for the citizens; the laws are human and can be changed,” he said, urging the PSN, EH Bil and Geroa Bai to “correct the decision.”
The elephant Koldo Amatria recalled that the building “continues to be a symbol of Francoism, despite the removal of the most visible elements”. He explained that 20 years ago his exterior was covered and transformed into an exhibition hall, "but no one knows it that way", because the problem is the building itself, he says.
Tafallan, nekazal giroko etxe batean sortu zen 1951. urtean. “Neolitikoan bezala bizi ginen, animaliez eta soroez inguratuta”. Nerabe zelarik, 'Luzuriaga’ lantegian hasi zen lanean. Bertan, hogei urtez aritu zen. Lantegian ekintzaile sindikala izan zen;... [+]
Eraispenaren aldeko elkarteek manifestazioa antolatu dute larunbatean Iruñean. Irrintzi Plazan manifestazioaren deitzailea den Koldo Amatriarekin hitz egin dugu.