BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Statkraft also plans the construction of eight giant mills of 201 meters between Aramaio and Eskoriatza

  • The project has been submitted to public information in the Official Gazette of Bizkaia. The wind power plant would affect not only the territories of Araba and Gipuzkoa, but also those of Bizkaia and affect nine municipalities. Statkraft announces on its website measures to protect the environment.

18 May 2023 - 16:13
Last updated: 2023-05-22 12:59:16

This Thursday the public information of one of the two Statkraft wind turbines in the Basque Country, called by the multinational Intsaraz, has been published in the Official Gazette of Bizkaia. The announcement, which belongs to the Ministry of Territorial Policy of the Government of Spain, provides for the construction of an infrastructure of 60.4 MW between Aramaio and Eskoriatza.

According to the Official Gazette, the plant will be built by the private company Development Renewables Iberia Omicron SUL, one of the Spanish subsidiaries of Statkraft, based in Madrid, and will have eight turbines of 201 meters height and 172 meters diameter each.

All this information was filtered a few days ago in El Diario Vasco, before the announcement was taken, along with other data and graphics. Thus, the giant mills will be larger than the Torre Ibedrola in Bilbao and similar to the Torre España in Madrid, as reflected in the media illustration of the Vocento Group.

Statkrafet includes on its website a map with the approximate location of each mill.

Nine municipalities concerned

In addition to the occupation of the areas of Ganboralde (706 m.) and Asensiomendi (689 m.) between Eskoriatza and Aramaio, the infrastructure will affect other areas, besides Álava and Gipuzkoa, also in Bizkaia.

The evacuation of electricity will affect the land of Arrasate, Atxondo, Elorrio and Abadiño, as well as the land of Legutiano, Arrazua-Ubarrundia and Aramaio for the construction of the plant.

EUR 42 million for the construction of mills, EUR 725,000 for environmental protection

The construction of the Statkrafti macro-central will cost almost EUR 42 million. Following public information, the Norwegian company has published on its website that will allocate EUR 725,000 to environmental protection measures.

Statkraft expects the works to be carried out between 2026 and 2027, while the work will be carried out acoustic controls in Aramaio and Eskoriatza.

The multinational has said that it will follow the model of "socialization" of energy, both with this project and with the power plant that it wants to build in Azpeitia, Zestoa and Errezil, and that it is studying participation formulas.


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