BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The CAV Court repeals several articles of the Basque Municipal Law of Standardization

  • The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country has approved an appeal from Vox and has issued a judgment against the linguistic rights of the Basques. He has deleted some articles from the Decree of the Development of the Municipal Law on the Basque Country, which gave priority to the Basque country. The Government can appeal.

17 October 2023 - 12:42
Euskararen normalizazioaren aurkako oldarraldi judizialari aurre egiteko manifestazioa deitu du euskalgintzak azaroaren 4rako. / Argazkia: Euskalgintzaren Kontseilua.

This ruling against the Basques has been described by the Council of Euskalgintza as an example of “judicial aggression” and has recalled that the demonstration called in Bilbao on 4 November is to fight it. Euskalgintza will mobilize before the Oldarraldia, together with the Basque, under the slogan “Euskaraz bat”, to respond to the latest sentences in Basque.

The Commonwealth of Basque Municipalities UEMA has warned that this Resolution of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country “seeks especially” the linguistic policy of the Basque municipalities. In fact, the judges have annulled some provisions regarding the decree that prioritizes the use of Euskera in the development of the municipal law of the CAV.

Judges have responded to an appeal by the extreme right Vox in 2020 and have accepted some points. The resolution was delivered on 28 September, but it has now been made public. The judgment is not final, as the Basque Government has a period of 30 days since its decision to appeal to the Spanish Supreme Court.

Against the normal use of Euskera

The articles suspended by the judges are: 9.2, Article 11(1) and Article 12, 18, 24, Some contents of Articles 27 and 36. Article 9.2 states that the municipalities will adopt measures for the use of Euskera, especially in the areas of life of Euskera, and this has been repealed by the judges, which in general is what has left the court, which is the normal use of Euskera in the institutions and in the activities of the municipalities.

Article 12 states: “The use of the Basque Country in its activities as a service language and working language of normal and general use, according to the criteria set out in the following articles, will be planned and regulated by the local entities of the Basque Country and by the other entities that make up the local public sector of the Basque Country, depending on their socio-linguistic situation”.

Judicial aggression

It should be remembered that in July the Spanish Constitutional Court also repealed Article 6.2, considering that it gave preferential use to the Basque Country and “harmed” the Spanish language, arguing that “breaking the linguistic balance” is unconstitutional. This is the theme that we have taken to the surface of the next weekly and that journalist Onintza Irureta has addressed in depth in the report entitled Another aspect to guarantee the supremacy of Spanish that will be made public on Wednesday at URL 0. Urko Aierbe, Euskera Secretary at LAB, warns the journalist that: “It is not a short-term issue, a language policy is being consolidated for the coming long years.”

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