BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Spanish Court confirms to Aitor Zelaia and Galder Barbado the sentence of four years in prison

  • The Spanish National Court confirms two young Alaveses a sentence of four years in prison, one month after studying the defense and prosecution resources. The Cruelty Stop platform calls for concentration.
Manifestazioa Laudion Auzitegi Gorena errekurtsoa aztertzeko bildu zenean. Argazkia: ANkerkeria Stop.

On 22 February 2021, the National High Court imposed on the young Aitor Zelaia and Galder Barbado a four-year prison sentence, a ten-year probation and disqualification on the grounds of the reservation of "elements for the production of explosives for terrorist purposes".

The Prosecutor's Office maintained the eight-year criminal application, but in the appeal the defense attorneys claimed acquittal. On 26 April the judges met to review the appeal. After a month, the Stop to the Crocheting platform has released the Supreme Court ruling confirming Zelaia and Barbado the four-year prison sentence.

In 2021, Argia interviewed Galder Barbado and the report of the Ertzaintza that supports the accusation denounced his intention to punish "political militancy."

"The Spanish justice system has completed this process prepared by the Ertzaintza and, once again, has maintained an incomprehensible policy of war and repression for Basque society," the platform said. They also call to join forces and be attentive to the calls they will announce next week.

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