BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The oldest fortress

Nikita Golovanov

Researchers at Freie Universität in Berlin have found the oldest Siberian fortress in history, 8,000 years ago. It has long been believed that the strengths have risen to the height of the Neolithic Revolution because of the stabilization of communities by agriculture.

But Siberian communities 8,000 years ago were hunter-gatherers, usually nomads. So what led them to sedentarism? The first hypothesis of the researchers is that it was a very productive space, so its inhabitants did not have to move around or develop agriculture to obtain food and other resources for the community.

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Erdi Aroan erditzea

Toledo, 1272-1280. Alfontso X.a Gaztelakoak Ama Birjinari eskainitako 427 kanta monodiko bildu zituen. Santa Mariaren Kantigek Erdi Aroko musika eta literatura bildumarik garrantzitsuenetakoa osatzen dute, baina, kantiga miniaturaz apainduta daudenez, ilustrazio horiek beste... [+]

Islandiak izoztu zuen Konstantinopla

Teofanes Aitorlea kronikalariak jaso zuenez,  763-764ko negua inoizko hotzenetakoa izan zen Konstantinoplan. Elurrak eta izotza hartu omen zuten bizantziar hiriburua eta Bosforon iceberg bat ere ikusi omen zuten.

Orain arte klima hoztea, besteak beste, jarduera... [+]

Microplastics in the archaeological heritage

York, England, 2nd century. Various structures and houses were built in the Roman city of Eboracum. Among others, they built a stone building in the present Wellington Row and placed an arch in the wall that crossed the Queen’s Hotel. Both deposits were excavated in the second... [+]

Less bad Roman wine

It has been considered that the wine drank by the ancient Romans was a poorly made wine, without body and with an unpleasant taste. But the work that researchers at the universities of Ghent and Warsaw have published in Antiquity has provoked the withdrawal of this belief.

The... [+]

The rich heirs of the Conqueror of Gil

Hastings (England), 1066. The army of the Duke of Normandy I of Gil conquered the troops of King Harold II and conquered the throne. Gil's conqueror I was king until 1087.

In this reign after the Norman conquest, the rebellion organized uprising, effective administration and the... [+]

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