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Less bad Roman wine

Argazkia: The History Avenue
Argazkia: The History Avenue

It has been considered that the wine drank by the ancient Romans was a poorly made wine, without body and with an unpleasant taste. But the work that researchers at the universities of Ghent and Warsaw have published in Antiquity has provoked the withdrawal of this belief.

The ancient Romans made wine in large tinas, called Dolias, which waterproofed with tar, controlling the contact of the beverage with the air and, buried, controlling the temperature during fermentation.

Georgia currently uses a similar method for wine making. All this has led to the conclusion that the Romans were more vinists than they believed

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Aboriginal Australian pottery

Members of the James Cook University and the Research Council of Australia have discovered ceramic fragments from 2,000-3,000 years ago on the island of Jiigurru in northwestern Australia. These are the oldest ceramic remains discovered so far in Australia. The geological study... [+]

Registered in the census

Rome, a.C. 443. Censors were elected for the first time. Two centuries later it would be the most important magistrature of the Republic. Every five years, they chose two censors among consular senators.

It was a position of great responsibility: they were primarily responsible... [+]

Iceland frozen Constantinople

Chronicler Theophanes Declarante stated that winter 763-764 was one of the coldest in history. Snow and ice occupied the Byzantine capital and also saw an iceberg in Bosforón.

Climate cooling has been considered to be due, among other factors, to the lack of volcanic activity... [+]

Delivery Medieval

Toledo, 1272-1280. Alfonso X of Castile gathered 427 monomedical songs dedicated to the Virgin. The Cantigas de Santa Maria constitute one of the most important musical and literary collections of the Middle Ages, but being decorated with the miniature cantiga, these... [+]

Microplastics in the archaeological heritage

York, England, 2nd century. Various structures and houses were built in the Roman city of Eboracum. Among others, they built a stone building in the present Wellington Row and placed an arch in the wall that crossed the Queen’s Hotel. Both deposits were excavated in the second... [+]

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