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The rich heirs of the Conqueror of Gil

Argazkia: The British Library Board

Hastings (England), 1066. The army of the Duke of Normandy I of Gil conquered the troops of King Harold II and conquered the throne. Gil's conqueror I was king until 1087.

In this reign after the Norman conquest, the rebellion organized uprising, effective administration and the feudal system was rigorous. The Crown proclaimed ownership of the lands of the British Isles and the King divided the lands between Norman Nobles.

Research journalist Kevin Cahill recently published a study on British land ownership, Who Owns Britain, owner of Nor da Britain. And it says that less than 1% of the British population owns almost 70% of the land in the UK and Ireland. Specifically, 66% of the land is owned by 160,000 families, or 0.3% of the population owns two-thirds of Britain. And Cahill discovers that most of these families are heirs to the nobles of the Conqueror's army.

Governments, economic and political systems have constantly changed in thousands of years, but goods have remained within the reach of a few, that is, the new systems have only reinforced the old unbalanced division

Governments, economic and political systems have constantly changed in thousands of years, but goods have remained in the hands of a few, that is, the new systems have only reinforced the old unbalanced division. And, as I say, most landlords still belong to the aristocracy, but also the Church of England, the royal house and some large companies are among the main landlords. In addition, Cahill faces several obstacles during the investigation and highlights the lack of transparency in land ownership. Some properties remain outside the Official Land Registry.

Cahille says that this issue goes beyond mere historical interest, is not just an ethical problem and has political, economic and social consequences. That is, the division that King Gil made a thousand years ago affects many problems today: the housing crisis, the environment, social inequality…

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