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Sortu calls on the Spanish Government to be "consistent" and recognizes the right of nations to decide

  • Hundreds of members have met in Sortu VI. National Conference on Saturday. They stress that the past course has been "fruitful" and have ratified the challenges for the coming years.
Datozen urteetarako Plan Politikoa berretsi dute Sortuko ehunka kidek. (Argazkia: Sortu)

25 September 2023 - 08:53
Last updated: 12:09

Sortu VI. The National Conference is held in Arrasate on Saturday. Hundreds of members have met and, in addition to taking stock of the past year, have ratified the Political Plan for the coming years.

Sortu Secretary General Arkaitz Rodríguez stressed that the past course has been "fruitful". Among the achievements of the course is the completion of the policy of alienation and dispersion. In addition, he stressed the paralysis of the Spanish reactionary bloc, although he acknowledged that this is not enough and that "leftist policies" must be made. Finally, the secretary was also satisfied with the election results in Hego Euskal Herria and Iparralde: "We have the opportunity to become the largest force in this country."

Thus, the party has set four major challenges for the coming years. First, it has claimed the need to "radically change" the current socio-economic model, patriarchal capitalism, to focus life and its care. He has also talked about sovereignty and Rodríguez has addressed the current Spanish "progressive" government. It asks him to be "consistent" and to recognize the right to decide on the peoples who "depend and depend on the Spanish State".

Thirdly, it highlights the need to strengthen EH Bildu and EH Bai. Finally, the goal is to strengthen as many other social forces as these coalitions: labor movement, feminist movement, youth movement, environmental movement, Euskalgintza, educational movement or pensioners' struggle.

Radical and proud socialists

The lehendakari of the Basque Government, Iñigo Urkullu, defined EH Bildu as "radical socialist" at the beginning of the course. Rodríguez, replying to the words of Lehendakari, points out that if socialism is "to overcome all subordinations and oppression" and that it is radical "to go to the root of problems", that yes, there are "radical socialists" and "proud".


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