BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Sortu members enter two tourist homes in Donostia to denounce the “housing emergency”

  • One is the Azora vulture fund and the other is luxury tourist housing, which has ended and remained in the weekend reserve to demand the right to housing from institutions. They have demanded, among other things, that they limit the price of rental and tourist homes and that they take action in empty homes.
Zubieta kaleko etxebizitza turistikotik salatu dute "etxebizitza larrialdia". Joxean Urkiola

05 February 2024 - 17:08
Last updated: 2024-02-06 10:06:15

To denounce the “housing emergency”, several Sortu members have entered two homes of two large owners of San Sebastian, and once the weekend reservation is over, they have also spent Monday to question the institutions. Sortu reminds public authorities that the law allows for measures to guarantee the right to housing and stop speculation: “It’s not a market law. They are accused of the housing policy of the PNV and PSE casino”.

It's not speculated about rights. Decent housing and living have opened the slogan for all in the concentration against luxury housing and have demanded five concrete measures from the institutions: “Limit rent prices and designate all San Sebastian as a tensioned area, multiply the public rental offer, mobilize empty housing, control the tourist housing and stop speculation.” Call for mobilization on Tuesday at 19:00 in Plaza Cataluña.

The members of Sortu clarify that they will not remain in the long term and that the objective is not to resist, but say that these two floors have been selected for specific reasons. One is the luxurious tourist housing of Zubieta Street, next to the Concha, and the whole portal is for luxury holiday rentals, as confirmed by Beñat Lusarreta Sortu member in Naiz. The other is owned by the vulture fund Azora. Lusarreta warns that Azora is known for buying full buildings and ejects directly or through the pressure of price rises to its neighbors to do business with them. “The Donostiarras leave our city to become a place of holiday for the rich,” Sortu said with this act.

Public rental instead of purchase

In order to solve the housing problem, Sortu intends to introduce changes to transform the rental into a “real alternative”, both through institutional and cultural public rentals, since “nowadays the market of the sale is mainly”. On the other hand, they stress that the way to limit rentals is to designate municipalities as stressed areas. “It’s unbearable! No one should spend more than 30% of their salary on housing,” said Sortu entrepreneurs.

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