The report includes over 50,800 bibliographic references, 356 interviews and thousands of photographs. Memory is the digital archive of the Democratic Memory of Navarra, and the digital archive of the Government of Navarra has become a reference at the state level. The project goes beyond the historical memory of physical places and has given specific importance to the scope of the Internet.
They have taken into account the people who suffered captivity in any way and since its creation in 2020 have quadrupled the number of entries and personal references. Currently, the file collects data from 23,053 supporters, for which they have received and digitized public and private documentary funds.
"Much of the future is played in the Internet space. This space is also fundamental to recover the past and build a future based on truth and reparation", explains Ana Ollo, Councilor for Coexistence, Foreign Action and Euskera. He has also stressed that the commitment to the Historical Memory of the Foral Executive is fundamental, especially in view of the "waves of negationism and democratic setbacks" that are taking place in different parts of the State. In fact, the counselor has denounced the suspension of the Historical Memory Act in various places.
Memory gathers contexts from diverse testimonies. Victims of the Franco regime, members of the LGTB collective, cases of violence against women or exiles. The report contains written texts, audios, interviews, videos, legal documents, maps of graves and other materials.
On the other hand, to facilitate the search, several filters have been enabled to classify the content according to the keywords. In this way we want to make the historical memory accessible to all citizens. And in particular, to younger generations, through the program ‘Schools with memory’, “as an instrument to promote critical memory, to build present and future in coexistence,” the counselor added.
The Government of Navarra and the City of Pamplona want to face in this legislature a new challenge of coexistence: the Monument to Falls. Nineteen pro-memory agents have requested the demolition of the Plaza de la Libertad building and the command team of Joseba Asiron wishes to resolve the matter definitively.
Supporters of the demolition argue that it would be impossible to give a new meaning to the monument to remind the Francoists. Today, although Ollo has not clarified what the proposals are on the table, he has firmly acknowledged that in this legislature they will reach agreement and a solution.
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I don't know if they met in Lapurdi. Enrique Gómez Korta was killed by the Spanish Basque Battalion on on 25 June 1979 in Baiona. Pakistan Arriaran fled to Iparralde in November 1978, where he stayed for a year, until he left to Venezuela to avoid the attacks that ended his... [+]
Segundo Hernandez preso anarkistaren senide Lander Garciak hunkituta hitz egin du, Ezkabatik ihes egindako gasteiztarraren gorpuzkinak jasotzerako orduan. Nafarroako Gobernuak egindako urratsa eskertuta, hamarkada luzetan pairatutako isiltasuna salatu du ekitaldian.
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