The research work is being carried out within the framework of the agreement signed with Gogora in February 2024. The agreement was signed to guide the creation of the March 3 Memorial to host the church of San Francisco in Vitoria-Gasteiz. More than 100 books, more than 60 magazines and heritage material, which will help to understand what happened that day, have been gathered at the Municipal Library.
Julen Díaz de Argote, head of the team that is collecting the material, and Nerea Martínez Aranburuzabala, spokesman for the March 3 Association, announced the results of the study on Thursday. As you have pointed out, it has not yet been possible to contact some 20 people who have been injured in the accident. They have therefore encouraged these people or their families to contact the association.
The case of Manuel Pizarro, who has been arrested, stands out among the seven people who are currently in custody. This worker was injured on the knee on 3 March and died recently, without any official statement.
Since February, more than 70 interviews have been conducted and all the material heritage related to the strikes and massacre of the Alavesa capital has begun to be collected. The agreement with Gogora will remain in force in 2025.
Díaz de Argote and Martínez have recalled that “access to files will be fundamental to the knowledge of the whole truth” and have asked for access to files that still have classified information, such as the General Central Archive of Alcalá de Henares or the Military Archive of Ferrol.
EH Bildu eta ERC alderdiek Espainiako Kongresura eraman dute 1976ko martxoaren 3ko gertakariak ikerketuko dituen ikerketa batzordea sortzeko eskakizuna, eta onartu egin da. Bozeramaileen Batzordeari dagokio orain erabakia eztabaidatzea eta bozkatzea.