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Extreme heat: 52.2 degrees in China and 47 in Europe

  • China has activated high temperature alerts. In Europe, the cyclone Caronte will cause extreme heat, especially in Italy.

18 July 2023 - 08:48
Last updated: 11:34
AEMETek egindako astearteko tenperatura aurreikuspena. Argazkia: AEMET.

The Chinese town of Sanbao reaches 52.2 degrees and sets a new country heat record. In the rest of China, extreme temperatures have also been recorded and warning mechanisms have been activated.

In Italy, trade marks are expected to be broken in the coming days: Reach 47 degrees in the islands of Sicily and Sardinia and in Rome 42, historical peaks. However, the Italian Government will not impose cuts, but they will strengthen health services. New records with more than 40 degrees are also expected in the Balkans.

The heat on the Iberian Peninsula will remain impressive. The most affected area is the South, with a maximum of 44 degrees. Several alerts have been given to this effect: In some parts of Andalusia there is an extreme risk and a red alert is set. The State Meteorology Agency (AEMET) has declared that this heat wave is “abnormal or abnormal”.

In Euskal Herria the situation is expected to be more sustainable, but in the Ebro valley the thermometer can reach up to 42 degrees, as in Tudela.

Climate change and heat waves: six times more

In recent years, as a result of climate change, the frequency of heat waves has doubled and, according to research by Washington University researcher Deepti Singh, simultaneous heat episodes in different parts of the world have increased six times over the past 40 years.



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