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Offensive against Catalan by PP and Vox in Valencia

  • After the recent signing of the agreement for the Government of Valencia, the PP and Vox announce that education will be one of their priority areas on the road to strengthening the private and concerted language, on the one hand, and the dissemination of Catalan on the other.

15 June 2023 - 13:24
Last updated: 14:38
PP eta Voxen arteko bilera. (Argazkia: Valencia Plaza / Kike Taberner)

The strengthening of public education in the objectives of governments led by the PSV and the Ministry, with the support of Podemos, since 2015, according to which the work of the PP in favor of private education for long years strongly weakened public education. Among its objectives was to strengthen language policy in favour of Catalan.

In this sense, the Government of the Botanist – this is what this government has been called because in 2015 the government agreement was signed in the Botanical Garden – created in 2019 a decree of impulse of Catalan. According to this, among other things, the first language of the Government of Valencia would be the Catalan language, and the relationship with the governments of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands would be articulated in Catalan.

The PP immediately appealed the decree, but in a first step the courts were not right. However, in a second bomb, the Supreme Court of Valencia accepted the request of the PP and considered that the relations of the Valencian Government with the other two governments mentioned should be in Spanish, because in them Valencian was not an official language. This judgment, together with the linguistic principles of blaverism, a movement which argues that Valencian and Catalan are two languages, also condemned the judicial basis of what will come.

PP-Vox measures

Although concrete measures have not yet been established, the PP has already indicated that they will strengthen a new regulation for “fathers and mothers to choose in which language they want to study their sons and daughters”, which has been related to strengthening Spanish in their usual activity: “We will ensure that Spanish and Valencian are the languages used in the educational system, as well as foreign languages, and in no case will we accept the inclusion of other co-official languages”. This last point refers to Catalan. Instead, Vox believes that Spanish should be the main language of schools. It will instruct school inspectors to ensure the correct implementation of the new language regulations in schools.

Regarding the associations that promote Catalan, the PP has pointed out that they will no longer grant subsidies to those who “do not respect the general interest, our identity marks, the legal system, our Autonomy Statute or the fundamental rights of the Constitution”. The announcement is aimed above all at those who maintain the vision of the Catalan countries or those who argue that Catalonia and Valencia are the same language.

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