BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Increasing, EH Bildu dominates northern municipalities and UPN and PSN to the south

  • In Pamplona there has never been a strong competition between UPN and EH Bildu (2,500 at the end), and EH Bildu has increased in many municipalities. The right, on the other hand, has not joined. The PSN is going to make many mayors not go to UPN. [[Broad election map 2023 municipalities navarra]]

The competition between UPN and EH Bildu has been incandescent until the last moment in the City Hall of Pamplona, but in the end UPN has won with 2,500 votes in favour, with the least margin there has been between the two parties. If the PSN complies with what is stated in the campaign, the next mayor of UPN will be the mayor of UPN. But the competition of progressive forces without right and without PSN has again been very close – lost UPN in 2015 – because UPN and PP have achieved eleven councillors, and EH Bildu, Geroa Bai and With You Nafarroa eleven others. If the first ballot did not reach an absolute majority, the mayor is dragged by the first force, it would be for UPN. The key, therefore, will be in the hands of the PSN, but this time the government’s handing over to UPN will be more burdensome, because the progressive forces have sixteen councillors and the right eleven.

In general, the separation has not given more right-wing councillors, on the contrary, and yet in five of the ten largest municipalities in Navarra, UPN has won: Pamplona, Tudela (with an absolute majority), Egüés Valley, Barañáin and Estella. In Burlada, Tafalla, Ansoáin and Villava have won EH Bildu (by absolute majority) and in Zizur Mayor Geroa Bai. Altsasun Geroa Bai has won the absolute majority, EH Bildu in Leitza, and EH Bildu in Baztan is very close to the absolute majority.

In general, as is happening in the last elections, UPN and EH Bildu have been the most voted municipal forces in Navarre, and for the sake of governance many municipalities will be divided between the two. In 2015, the agreements of EH Bildu, Geroa Bai and Ahal Dugu led to a large number of UPN mayors, but this time the presence of the PSN will be necessary to not take many of them to the right, which has already announced that they will not vote for the Abertzale left party. What is going to happen is something else, because in municipalities there are dynamics of their own. There have been few incidents in the PSN, because its councillors have not complied with the order given from the management.

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