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EHE will hold the Independence Euskaltzales Meetings for the first time in October

  • The meetings will take place on 7 and 8 October in Villabona-Amasa. With Euskera and independence, we will reflect on different topics.
EHEko kideak topaketak aurkezten. Argazkia: EHE.

08 September 2023 - 11:18

According to Euskaraz (EHE) in Euskal Herria, the meetings have their origin in the internal Astindu process (Interview on the reflection of Haizea Ramirez de Alda and Urko Aierber in 2021). This reflection reviewed the ideological base, the organizational model and future lines of work. One of the results of this reflection was the clear recognition of EHE as an independent agent.

The popular movement believes that living under the Spanish and French States cannot overcome the situation of diglosia, so it bets on the Republic of the Basque Country. This is indicated in the press release: "At this time when they want to look back and defensive, we want to help vasophiles put us in the future and in the perspective of popular construction".

Three objectives have been established for the Meetings of Euskaltzales Independentistas: on the one hand, to reflect on how the Basque processes and the defenders of sovereignty can be nurtured; on the other, to analyze the new challenges of the Basque Country and place them in the direction of the Republic of the Basque Country; and, finally, to strengthen the Basque independence community.

The program combines reflection with the festive atmosphere. The main round table will include Amets Aranguren, Amets Arzallus, Eneko Bidegain, Estitxu Garai and Lorea Agirre. After the political event, a photo will be made of adherence to the demonstration on 4 November.

EHE requests registration for meetings.

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