BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

EHE convenes the Basque Roots Week from 22 to 28 April

  • In addition to claiming the Basque Country of Euskaldun, it will aim to make visible and strengthen the struggles for the Basque country on the street.

26 January 2024 - 12:16
EHEk 2023an egindako topaketen aurkezpeneko irudia. // Argazkia: EHE

There are not few initiatives undertaken to date in Euskal Herria by the Euskaraz movement in defense of the Basque Country. Among them they have carried out days and weeks of erasure. This year, however, they wanted to give the initiative a “broader vision” and, beyond the eliminations, have announced the “Basque Country Retreat Week” initiative. They will be held from 22 to 28 April, and members stress that it will allow cultural events, murals, concentrations... In short, that the struggle for the Basque Country visibilizes and enhances the streets; that the Basque people be excited and motivated to participate in the hostilities; and that Euskal Herria Euskaldun claim.

The EHE has described this initiative as “essential” to awaken citizens’ consciences, to shake up normality and to become aware of the oppression suffered by the Basques, and wants the Week of Arrest to be an “incentive” to add more citizens to the struggle for the Basque.

They considered it necessary to “point out and denounce those who are causing setbacks” and wanted to send a clear message: “We Basques must collectively strengthen ourselves, empower ourselves, rise up. Without pride, but with pride and collectivity, let us say that we are Basques and that in our people we have the right to live in Basque”.

You are interested in the channel: EHE
Sugoi Etxarri Zabaleta, EHE member
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