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Cross-border organisations set in motion a programme to learn how to reform wood structures in farmhouses

  • Under the name "Baserriberri", 12 students from all over the Basque Country who are unemployed will be trained to learn to renew the homes they are about to fall.

25 March 2024 - 10:32
Baserriberri proiektuaren aurkezpenean, zaharberrituko duten Tomasenea baserria bisitatu dute mugaz bi aldeetako ordezkariek. Argazkia: Haizpea Abrisketa /

The Baserriberri programme was presented on 22 March in Urdazubi/Urdax by representatives of entities on both sides of the border. This initiative focuses on the teaching of the rehabilitation of dwellings and other wooden buildings. It has a budget of EUR 1,778,447, of which EUR 1,155,989 comes from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The objective of the project is training in wood working techniques for the restoration of old farmhouses and other wood structures. The offer is aimed at unemployed people to be employed as workers and to promote the generational shift in the timber construction sector.

The training shall consist of theoretical and practical sessions. From September 12 students (four from Navarre, Basque Country and Iparralde) will start and end in June 2026.

From left to right, Isabel Elizalde (Director of the Peio Martikorena Foundation), Jean René Iturbide (Director of the Compagnons du Tour de France Federation), Mathieu Bergè (Counsellor of the Aquitaine region), Ana Ollo (Vice-President of the Government of Navarra), Marie Basque Seriklasale. Photo: Government of Navarra.
Participating entities

Peio Martikorena Foundation, Government of Navarra (Directorate-General for Vocational Training, Digitalisation and Educational Services), Basque Government (Vice-Advisor for Vocational Training), Oarsoaldea Development Agency, Federation of Friends of the Atlantic Pyrenees and Basque Country Mission in the Atlantic Pyrenees.

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