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The High Court of Justice confirms that the transfer of cardiac surgery from Basurto will remain inactive

  • The action brought by Osakidetza was rejected by the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country. In November, a court in Álava paralyzed the transfer to Cruces.
Iazko udako manifestazio bat, Bilbo erdigunean. Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea.

10 May 2023 - 11:23
Last updated: 13:11

In mid-November, a court in Álava paralyzed the cardiac surgery service in Basurto a few days before its total transfer to Cruces. Osakidetza and the Department of Health soon announced an appeal to the Administrative Disputes Chamber of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country, and on 10 May their decision has come that, although cautiously, the process must be paralysed, because it confirms what the Álava Court said.

Álava's ruling stated that "the service of Basurto would be closed and dismantled", that "it would cease to be", and that in a way it was an urgent movement, "without an agreement to unify both services, reasonable and motivated". He also pointed out that if you decided to move everything from Basurto to Cruces and take it back to Basurto, "start all by zero" could lead to problems.

These are all precautionary decisions that indicate the lack of further examination.

Department of Health: "It brings nothing new; the Court has not pronounced on the substance of the matter"

He replies by note that the Department of Health of the Basque Government has dismissed the appeal.

"The view of conciliation has not yet been achieved. The Court simply ratifies itself in maintaining the precautionary measures adopted last November." The Department of Health has used the "fund": "It is understood that the current situation is maintained, as there is still a need to look at the substance of the matter, Osakidetza's ability to organize its services".

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