I always wear a camera on top, without a case in the bag to pull it out under any pretext. I have spent the last year photographing everything, to the extent that my academic and political leitmotiv has no free time, as if in the wild frenzy something had been immortalized. It has been an exercise of accumulation, so that we do not forget the time when everything escapes us. So maybe I can remember what has changed. It seems like a hobby to use an SD card as a box and with this comes the most common phrase of my friends: “Have you had pictures?”
If I had to make a classification, what I photograph is that my friends (usually me behind the camera and large unknown groups at night), the bus ride through the window and the walk on the legs, the corners of the streets in the process of decomposition and, above all, all the images that I have not photographed; this summer has been the majority example. More and more photos accumulate that I haven't taken, and all the frustrated photos I take home. In the absence of these images, I fulfill what I can't show with my little gaze. Title of this empty photo album: Supporters of the restitution of the former abolition.
"To look ahead to the crisis, to what you have to write"
It is often said that a summer can change everything. And so I've understood that in summer our time is not resting, and that I'm on vacation, that by September this normality, still and reactionary, is gaining strength. I got up late, I ate, I went to bed late, but I can imagine in detail, before it's late, everything that hasn't been photographed:
More and more cops are working, at the cafe, at home, and I greet them from the street cameras.
With a false pistol, we tried to throw the Maghreb at Alderdi Eder, on a background wall, “outside the bulls”, democratic insecurity.
Surely there are anti-occupations on the net, evictions on the street and fascists through.
Violating the Palestinians is an Olympic issue, the medals of Israel on television, the human leftovers expelled from the Seine River.
A rent wage, my home bail, a VT on the periphery.
In podcasts, entrepreneurs are the spokespersons for young workers.
Ticket Bai without txosnas, UPN without txosnas, MS without txosnas.
An offensive acts with total impunity, which underpins this transformed common sense in society. In order for us to look ahead to the crisis, what we have to do is write. If by photographing I can gain control over what goes without saying, hatred in the street and in front of my cameras.
[Some characters are missing to access the minimum, added an example to the list of unphotographed ones]
Sorry as if there were no
Mariana Travacio
Erein, 2024
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Josefa, neskame
Alaitz Melgar Agirre
Elkar, 2022
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In the maze of
the theatre I Ander
Lipus EHAZE and Susa
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This text begins with a reflection that takes place in the first hour of the morning, on the clear sky, in a lost town of Álava. Looking at the birds flying between this meadow and the mottled, lost thoughts in the forests that populate the mountains. But let's be honest, this... [+]
Please note: The story that is being told here is a story based on reality. Some fragments are fictitious by a creative process. However, in defense of the historical memory, the names and surnames and other data that appear are true.
The skin is bathed in sweat by the woman... [+]
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-It was an ordinary afternoon. For anglerfish.” This evening is what Maite Mutuberria tells us in this album. The book has very few texts and the images tell us very well the development of history.
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