BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Agroecology, a political alternative


Eating and drinking bad Christmas, recognizing that we are part of the consumerism that leads us to disaster and finding the way to make that portable cross, we will lie back every day. Many of us are going to do it, and I don't think that, individually and at home, we're going to become the key to changing the world. In the days of EHNE Bizkaia I have seen it clear that it is one of the keys to profound changes, to give the necessary place and political dimension to the food issue and to make an inevitable debate.

If it is essential to eat and drink, we must answer many questions: what we eat and how we manage to eat; where it takes us to continue depending on our food multinationals; to what, how much and how it is produced in Euskal Herria; to what access routes to the products of the time… We will explore and measure our food needs to know how much and what primary sector we need and compare with what we have today.

This will make people decisive in designing policies and strategies in this area, not multinationals. The debate we have to make as a people is also because the comprehensive consideration of Euskal Herria makes it possible for the soil that does not exist in the Northern Basque Country to be found in the Alavesa plain, or for the Navarre macroines to pollute groundwater is a problem for all.

Now that we have managed to place the right to surveillance at the centre, being part of that food centre can be a way of giving the place, importance and direction of that debate. The other can be to secure space on political agendas. But let it be.

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