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It's not amnesia, it's monarchy.

The Spanish Foreign Minister denies that Spain is the administering power of the Western Sahara. But yes.

For years, Spain said that it was neutral on the Sahara issue, albeit a lie: it was very partial. For Morocco. The Palestinian National Power has a diplomatic mission in Madrid, something that the Polisario Front did not even dream of.

Spain has never done anything to allow the citizens of Western Sahara to hold the referendum on self-determination that legally corresponds to them. Otherwise: He has always defended Morocco’s proposal for autonomy.

Spain has no problem with Morocco occupying the whole of Western Sahara, although the Madrid agreements granting it the right to occupation made it clear that one third of the southern Sahara was for Mauritania. In other words, while recognizing (and not having) that it could occupy two-thirds of the north, no law, treaties or treaties give it the opportunity to occupy the south third.

Why then that collaborative attitude of Spain? PNV Deputy Aitor Esteban has recently reproached Sánchez, president of the Spanish government, who does so for immigration control. He is right, but not entirely: it is not right, it is excuse. On the other hand, immigration control is the current excuse, not 40 years ago. So it was drug control. And if the occupation continued for another 48 years, Spain would invent other excuses such as climate change, tomato import… everything.

We know that the old king sold the Western Sahara. We don't know, because it's secret, he sold it in your

Because the real reason is not none of them, but the protection of the monarchy. That is why Spain obeys Morocco.

Spain sold the Western Sahara to Morocco and Mauritania on 14 November 1975. On 19 November 1975, Spain published the law on the renunciation of Western Sahara, which left the Sahrawis sold. On those two dates the dictator Franco "lived," yes, but the acting dictator was Juan Carlos, the prince of Spain at that time. He who today calls "demerit king."

We therefore know that the old king sold the Western Sahara. We don't know, because it's a secret, he sold it in the dock.

Then, taking into account the money he has earned in his business as king and king, we can think that the Sahrawi did not sell them at a cheap price, but also gained very well in that sale. But of course, we won't know until the subject is in history books. Because monarchy must be protected.

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