In fact, the situation is very worrying in light of the data that reflect the diffusion of Euskera in the world of work. For example, in the whole of Euskal Herria the percentage of those who speak with their peers always in Basque or in Basque more than in Spanish was 16.5 in 2021. In 1991, 30 years earlier, that percentage was 7.9. It improves yes, but certainly very slow (not reaching 0.3 points per year).
An uneven growth according to the administrative area or sector, reflecting the inequality of status of the Basque Country in each area and the different linguistic policies. That is, if the increase has occurred in the most Basque counties and has mainly focused on the public sector. Outside this particular area, the hegemony of the erden is almost absolute.
The hegemony of Erda is almost absolute and there is no upward trend, with exceptions from the public sector and the more Euskaldunes
No one can deny that this is no small thing and that the situation of the media with which this worrying reality is turned is dark. To cite a few indicators: if the level of accreditation of linguistic profiles in the public administrations of the CAPV is analyzed, it is found that 32.8% of the total jobs have a level lower than that which corresponds to them or that the people who work directly in them have not accredited nor the minimum level of knowledge of Euskera, 40 years after the beginning of the Basque administration.
As for the Navarra administration, public jobs with an Euskera profile do not reach 10%, most of them teaching. That is to say, 90% of public employees are not required to be Basque. Knowledge of English or German is increasingly valued in a particularly offensive comparison.
Since its implementation three decades ago, only 1% of the organizations have made some kind of Basque plan. That is, 99% of the companies, establishments and other agents of the world of work in the Basque Country have not taken any planned measures to disseminate the use and presence of the Basque country.
The tools for euskaldunising the world of work are completely ruined and legal, political and media aggression adds gravity to the situation
An agile diagnosis that shows that the tools for euskaldunifying the world of work are completely out of date. It is clear that if we continue down the road so far it is not possible to achieve full Euskaldunisation of the world of work. And to this black panorama we must add the damage of the recent juridical-political-media aggression of the states.
The reflection of the states is as simple as it is hard: the progress in Euskaldunization has gone too far, they are not prepared to let us achieve all the normalization of Euskera, so they have put in place machinery to stop Euskaldunization. Otherwise, we cannot understand, among other things, the infinite series of sentences we are hearing against linguistic profiles.
Given this situation, LAB considers it essential to build a popular agreement on euskaldunization among vasophilic agents. A popular agreement that urgently protects the process of normalisation of attacks, but without limiting itself to this, a popular agreement that will make it possible to make a new leap into the re-Basque Country's re-Euskaldunization on that basis.
An agreement which also serves to speed up and extend the Euskaldunization of the world of work. LAB hands on the other vasophilic agents to build and implement this agreement among all. The Basque and those who want to live in Basque are essential.
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ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.
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