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PNV, EH Bildu and Ahal Duguk call for the legislation to be amended to be a people of Usansolo in the Spanish Congress

  • The Usansolo have been working as a town for 30 years and are now on the final straight of this road. However, in Spanish legislation there can be obstacles and to overcome them, this Wednesday PNV, EH Bildu and Ahal Duguk have presented a joint proposal in Madrid.

11 May 2023 - 10:47
Last updated: 12:26
Argazkia: @EHBilduCongreso

Usansolo conducted the popular consultation on March 27, 2022 and decided to separate from Galdakao by decision of 81.54% of the population. There were 3,771 people invited to vote, of whom 63.12% participated in the questionnaire.

In the next step, the Bizkaia General Boards fostered segregation and approved in November last year the transformation of Usansolo in 113 Biscayan municipality. However, the State Attorney appealed to this decision, arguing that Usansolo does not exceed the 5,000 inhabitants barrier, with 4,520, as required by Spanish legislation. On the contrary, according to the Bylaws of Bizkaia, it is sufficient for a population to exceed 2,500 inhabitants to become a municipality.

On May 5, the municipal commission of Usansolo was formed with 11 members. He has asked the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country to suspend the constitutional process as a State Lawyer, but he has not admitted it and will be able to follow its course until he decides to appeal.

Priority of the foral norm over the Spanish

In this appeal, the proposal for legal modification of the three Basque parties in Congress will be key. Basically, they ask that in those places where there is a foral rule this should take precedence over the Spanish rule, and therefore in the case of Usansolo respect the will of the citizens and the agreement of the Bizkaia General Boards. In any event, the new municipalities will have to demonstrate their financial sustainability and the availability of sufficient resources for the exercise of their competences, so that citizens do not suffer losses in the services they receive.


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