A group of former students of the ikastola in Bilbao has listed the sexual abuse suffered by a professor in the center and denounced in a statement that the educational center has protected man. When the facts came to the surface, they criticised the ikastola "only justified itself".
At the beginning of December, a number of women publicly denounced, through social media, the aggressions committed for years by a male professor at Ikastola Urretxindorra. In view of this situation, the Federation of Ikastolas has pointed out that until the case is clarified the teacher will not teach. A group of students and alumni of this center wanted to give it a response and have put the "complicit attitude" of ikastola bilbain "into focus".
They have denounced that for 30 years the teacher of Ikastola Urretxindorra has been sexually assaulting minors "with great impunity", and have criticized that the school has been aware of what has happened at all times and has covered it. Students who have dared to report have been “threatened and punished”, as reported in a statement. “Through deception, it has been tried to silence the students.”
The note indicates that the last example has been given in recent days. After reporting the experience of the former students on social networks, several current students have reported having received a formal complaint from the management of the Ikastola Urretxindorra regarding their status as victims of sexual abuse. In the statement, they emphasized that the management lied to them saying that the testimonies of more than three years "are not valid" and that this professor "has become a person".
They also asked them not to be made public. “To make them unaware of it outside the center,” they explained in the statement. Although last Sunday the Ikastolas Federation said it had activated the protocol, the statement denounces that "neither the law nor the protocol has been complied with".
Moreover, they added that the “upholstery” attitude of Urretxindorra College has been repeated over and over again. The students have said that they wrote a couple of letters in which signatures were collected against this professor, but that they were threatened with expulsion if they continued their attitude. “We were forced to break a letter.”
In addition to being an aggressor, the note highlights that this is a pederasta, since the aggressions have not been done with women, but with children between 10 and 17 years of age. “It is not a case of sexual violence against women, it is a case of sexual violence against children.”
They have pointed out that all this created a structure of power, while promoting inequality and harassment between faculty and students. The "misogynistic environment" of the class was that their peers also persecuted the same child who suffered abuse, "under the gaze of a professor that nobody could face."
In the message, they explained that the most serious case of which they are aware is that of 25 years ago. The professor entered her video camera in the girls' locker room and recorded them while they were changing. They say that some parents went to the center, but the ikastola did nothing.
In addition, they have emphasized that the attitudes and comments of the teacher or teacher, of a sexual nature, have been constant. Put in class films that had nothing to do with the subject and that had sex scenes, comments about clothing and the way – “if on the test day you put the tenth if you come with that pink t-shirt” – invent stories that fell in love with the favorite students sitting on the lap, tell a girl with a bandaged finger “to see where you’ve put your finger”, etc.
At the end of the note, the students and alumni of Urretxindorra Ikastola have called on all victims to count and write the abuses suffered by the teacher.
Bi erizainetatik batek lanean eraso sexistak jasaten dituela azalerazi du Erizainen Ordenak joan den urte bukaeran egin ikerketak. 21.000 erizainek ihardetsi dute, sektore pribatu, publiko eta liberaletik. Hauetan 2.500 gizonak dira.
Today, the voices of women and children remain within a culture that delegitimizes their voices, silencing their experiences, within a system aimed at minimizing or ignoring their basic rights and needs. A media example of this problem is the case of Juana Rivas, but her story... [+]