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Nicola Sturgeon, former Scottish Prime Minister, detained for seven hours

  • The police leave him without charge after questioning him. He is arrested as a suspect following an investigation which is still open on the financing of the Scottish National Party (SNP). The case relates to the money received in the donation for the holding of the second referendum.

12 June 2023 - 11:59
Nicola Sturgeonek Eskoziako lehen ministro kargutik dimititu zuen otsailean, baina ukatu egin du auziarekin zerikusirik duenik. / Argazkia: Artic Circle CC BY 2.0

Nicola Sturgeon, former head of the Scottish National Party (SNP) and Scottish Prime Minister, were released on Sunday night. They have been detained from 10:00 to 17:30 hours and have been interrogated for long hours.

He is arrested as a suspect in a dispute relating to some SNP finances, namely the donation of some EUR 761,000 received for another referendum on independence in Scotland.

At dusk Sturgeon opens a warning on social media and is sure to remember that it is innocent. He stresses that he would do nothing to “offend neither the SNP nor the country.” The investigation remains open and its spokesman announces his willingness to collaborate in Sturgeo. In fact, they stress that the Prime Minister knew that he was going to be arrested on Sunday, but since the investigation is open, they have not given more information because it is confidential.

Third detention

Sturgeon has been the third post held for this cause. Former SNP director Peter Murrell, his husband, was arrested in April at his home. They took the hair imputed to the delivery of their money to the SNP. He was interrogated for almost twelve hours until he was released free of charge. The same happened with the party treasurer, Colin Beattie.

Nicola Sturgeon resigned in February, and since then the Scottish Prime Minister is in the hands of Humza Yousaf. However, Holyrood denied at the end of April that his resignation had anything to do with this issue, as The Guardian states.

Sturgeon acknowledges that recent weeks are being “difficult” and appreciates the support received. It will take a couple of days to recover from the detention, but it will return immediately to the parliamentary chair.

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