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Defence of the Basque Country Herria Bizirik

  • It is difficult to start writing knowing that it will be repeated – and that repetition will not be a soothing mantra –. It's hard to start writing knowing that the wall isn't going to answer you, and in case you answer, don't listen. And yet, you have to write it down, write it down and disseminate it. Because responsibility demands this. So your commitment to the citizens. So the lands and the last victories of your interior. So, those who are going to come.

07 February 2024 - 06:30
Last updated: 09:17

It is becoming increasingly evident that the dominant discourse around renewable energies is the proof of the justification of green capitalism. In case the protagonists of money laundering do not want to go too far into the origin of the current ecological, social and political situation, perhaps by surprise the need to eradicate the whole system arises. There are those who, despite being united in diagnosing scientists, find the solution within capitalism and green colonialism. The eleventh trick of the circular economy: the one who created problems sells it solutions.

Manicheism is fashionable: you are for or against renewable energies, with us or with others. The boundary between good and evil is now unbeatable thanks to strict caregivers. This extreme position is not new or distant, and many analyses on the subject are limited to it. You can't talk about the renewable energy model, you can't question its corporate expansion, for it to be efficient it must be macro, and for that they only have multinational capacity. It is said that pushing from a young age is a game; the solution will come from the tooth, if we are not lost. Croupier sets the chair on behalf of the casino owner.

Speakers of all sizes broadcast music from corporate energy transition, gift or violently, on demand. The mermaid songs offered by these speakers are based on a single tone. Afterwards, different layers are applied for each listener to choose the composition that is pleasing. However, in the twenty-first century the siren song is still a mermaid song, and now the piece closes with death.

In this contemporary tragedy, it is easy to identify the gods and those who will be sacrificed in their honor, who are also traditional in the 21st century. The only change that exists for those of us who live in the advanced West is that we have been passed from spectators to sacrificial ones. We will therefore join those who have already been sacrificed, in another way, for the time being. Now we will be all the forages of the gods because hunger cannot dominate. There is only to see how regulations and laws are easily altered for the benefit of these gods the conductors of the ceremony.

With a simple normative change, which until recently was a natural treasure, it has become an extraordinary proverb for a capital written culture. The mountains, meadows and horizons legally transferred to Red Eléctrica de España will form the basis of the energy sovereignty of the Basque Country, and not the indicators of the Basque identity or the spaces for the feeding of people, for which there are trucks and hypermarkets that come from afar. Archaeological, ethnographic and cultural heritage is no longer of general public interest; the general public interest is the particular interest of private companies by decree.

The rear of the scenario they intend to impose in Euskal Herria is by no means the brilliance of the electrification received by the gazebo spectator. The green decorated conceals the blood-stained upheavals, gathered in South America, Africa and Asia, along with the voices of the people displaced by stractivism, complete the chorus of weeping people. Elcano hasn't died.

However, the speakers tell us over and over again that we have to do our own thing until we electrify the entire system. Despite the increase in fossil fuel consumption, despite the destruction of ecosystems essential for the maintenance of life, people are being killed. The Basque Country seems unable to give up the current industrial system. That has brought us to this level of well-being. We are indebted to our industry.

That is why, as we let them pollute the rivers and the air, we now have to let them destroy the small natural space that remains for us. Cleanings of rivers soiled with public money were unnecessarily paid. We are still indebted. They don't. Their assets are earned with the sweat of their forehead and not thanks to the precariousness of many workers. Not because they have received public money. Or because they've benefited from activities that questioned everyone's health and life. No.

Those who have so far had it all in hand, how are they going to allow the solar panels on their roofs to be paid out of their pocket, with the possibility of taking out for free the investment of the wind power plant in the neighbouring mountain? In addition, high- and medium-voltage lines are being expanded to benefit capital, the usual public-private partnership. It does not matter at this time that Iberdrola abandons the low-voltage lines, which are fundamental to the citizens.

On the contrary, the citizens most aware of climate change must repeatedly clash with bureaucracy and legislative cuts if we are to be consistent with this situation. To create energy communities and to put solar panels on their roofs, for example. For many of us living in rural areas, it is impossible to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels because of the lack of public transport. The food industry that accentuates the eco-social crisis is repeatedly rewarded, while for the baserritars and citizens around agro-ecological models, all kinds of obstacles are given away. The list of examples would be long, too long.

Those of us who are among these lines seem to us to be inconsistent. So the culprits. In short, appearances. And the egoists, our motto is not for my garden. Let us be told, please, that those who in this tragedy want to take us behind the siren chants, in what safe they have their interests; in what paradises they keep the elixir of eternal youth and unlimited growth.

As long as they find it, we will continue to defend here what is of the people, for all. In the defense of the land.

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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