BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa
Espainiako Alderdi Popularra.

I didn't need much to throw the pacifier, but the truth is that he has done what needs to be done and more. The Spanish right has launched a real threat by December. The Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European The most socialist feuds have become popular, such as the Government of Extremadura, and the City Council of Seville, Cádiz, which has been imposed as never in seven of the eight Andalusian capitals, La Rioja, the Government and the City Hall of the Valencian Community, Aragon, the Balearic Islands... and the capital and the Community, the most precious fortification, with the candidacies that we do not take seriously. Yes, the highs of the institutional policy theatre have crushed all the leftist candidates, and they will not need anyone to do whatever they want, at least in the next four years.

In Madrid there is another philosophy of life. This is a global proverb set for the free culture of beer and the smooth freedom of former couples, an international demand. Madrid is Spain and Spain is Madrid, and if you do not agree with the government of Spain that the citizens of 17 autonomous communities choose, the president of that community will make the opposition. In other words, demand “freedom” and crush late and cheap communism. The rebel community, that same thing. I heard someone in a Spanish radio tertulia: Díaz Ayuso, being Dulcinea de Toboso for the look of some and Aldonza Lorenzo for others. The issue is limited to Quijote or Santxo, who are you.

PP absorbs seven of the eight Andalusian capitals, with an absolute majority in Madrid, Community and City Hall

We have got into the barros and we have not got into us, but what has not attempted to enter and at the end has been the Spanish Government. The PSOE has long started the campaign, has gone week by week announcing Interrail bonds, cinema tickets, etc., but it has served little, of course. Diaz Ayuso has advanced even further to the right than he believed, and at home, rather than addressing those who could vote, he has focused the campaign throughout the Spanish state. “ETA, taxes and okupas” are its three lines. And with the terror of violence, of course what the intentions were: get an absolute majority. And what's curious is that EH Bildu will be surprised over and over again, because one's citizens don't choose other candidates. Note, the Basque peperos are also fed up with making politics with ETA... if we don’t hear Mikel Lezama, the candidate of Gipuzkoa, or Maroto, or Sémper, who has come back now, who knows, perhaps has changed “the readiness to talk to people of all parties and colors.”

But the leaders of the Gipuzkoan political peperos would not serve much money in the Western interinstitutional policies. And by Núñez Feijóo, for the moment, not much. It will now be assessed that he has thrown the pacifier in the coming months. It would be better to protect him well because the Quixote could try to explain it. We have seen what Dulcinea did in Madrid with Pablo Casado and others. Now all together have celebrated Sunday, but to see who survives and at what price.

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