BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

An emergency situation in Catalonia due to the worst drought in its history

  • The Generalitat has established the emergency situation in the areas of arrival of the Ter and Llobregat rivers. Drought is particularly severe in the Barcelona region, in large areas of Girona and on the Costa Brava: the water level of the reservoirs is 15.8% of its capacity, below the level of maximum alert (16.3%). The 20 measures to be implemented will affect 202 municipalities, almost 6 million people.

01 February 2024 - 13:11
Last updated: 17:38

Measures to combat drought will come into force on Friday. Among other things: the quantity of water stored in municipal warehouses, as well as that for cultural, industrial or recreational purposes, will be limited; municipalities will be able to limit the consumption of water in households; buildings, soils and others, public or private, cannot be cleaned with potable water; gardens and green areas will not be watered – with exceptions –; the irrigation conditions of football fields and the like; showers of the beaches may not be used as a temporary source.

If it does not rain, the Generalitat has announced that even stricter measures will be put in place.

An empty fountain of Barcelona due to the drought.

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