BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Student camps in Italy for housing prices

  • In Milan, a dormitory room costs an average of 810 euros per month. The Government offers social charter apartments for university students, but only covers 5 per cent of the needs.
"Kanpin denda, ikasleentzako AirBnb-a" dioen kartela, Milanen, aipaturiko protestetan.

In early May, a 23-year-old student opened a tent in Milan, at the gates of the university where she holds undergraduate studies. Also in Rome and Bologna, for example, they have invaded symbolic action. What they are asking is simply that more homes are needed closer to campus and at an affordable price. In addition to the academic effort involved in university degree learning, they argue that economic competition imposes limitations on, for example, choosing the degree and leaving the country of origin or choosing the destination.

According to the report mentioned by El Salto, in Milan the rent of a shared housing room costs an average of 810 euros per month, in Rome 630 euros, in Venice 580 euros, in Florence 570 euros and in Bologna 530 euros.

According to the students who are protesting, there are social rents that the government offers to its students, but only these cover 5% of the needs – according to the data offered by them, in Spain 10% and the European average is 17%.

Moreover, in Italy, almost 7 out of 10 students who go to university decide to stay at their parents’ home (the data is not clear if any of those who stay at their parents’ home have made the decision to really want that and how many for economic conditions).

Downward economic capacity

There is another fact that draws attention: In Italy, between 1990 and 2020, the average wage has fallen by almost 3%.

Inflation, meanwhile, according to the latest Italian data, has increased by 8% in one year, from April 2022 to April 2023.

Comparison with wage variation in the Italian graph showing several countries:


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