BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Bilgune Feminist organises the Body Sovereignty Meeting for the first time on June 10

  • In San Sebastian they have prepared an all-day program to follow the “political body” line that deepened on the 20th anniversary. There will be conferences and round tables related to the sovereignty of bodies and short films. Jule Goikoetxea, Mijo Lizarzaburu, Mer Gomez and Tal Madesta, among others, will be the directors of the sessions.

30 May 2023 - 12:30
Last updated: 2023-05-31 10:05:48

The Euskal Herria Feminist Forum was 20 years old in 2022, and Physical Sovereignty I has come from the reflections that have deepened the anniversary. I find, which explains the intention to move forward. “At Bilgune Feminist we have been bringing the body to the center for years and talking about the politics of the body,” the organizers recalled. Proof of this is that the motto chosen on 28 June, International Day for Sexual Liberation, was the political body.

To deepen this line, they will meet on June 10 in San Sebastian and will have the opportunity to discuss issues related to the body, together with well-known activists. The full Saturday program, starting at 10:00 and extending until 19:00, will be held in Tabakalera, with a popular meal.

The organization has emphasized that the term “sovereignty of bodies” is very broad and that depending on each person its meaning may vary, so this meeting has been considered a principle and has been divided into four seasons. In the first stop, Jule Goikoetxea and Mijo Lizarzaburu will offer the round table “Bodies from Neomaterialism”; in the second, intersex activist Mer Gómez and Tal Madesta activist, moderated by Danele Sarriugarte and Doave in the third season, Doeva Estafeta Poniugarte.

Bilgune Feminist reports that the meeting will have a monitoring txoko and a translation service. Registration is open on the following link

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