BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Denounce the "precariousness" of the PDI substitute for the UPV

  • They denounce that the UPV/EHU has interpreted the new University Law "based on their interests" and that, as a result, it will convert many full-time contracts into part-sessions, with a monthly salary of 800 euros.
Sindikatuek eta koordinadorak aurreratu dutenez, mobilizazioak egingo dituzte. (Argazkia: ELA)

14 September 2023 - 07:30

On Wednesday, the UPV/EHU began its course in Vitoria-Gasteiz. Eva Ferreira, head of the UPV/EHU, and Iñigo Urkullu, president of the Basque Government have been present, among others. On the other hand, dozens of people have protested against the "precariousness" of the UPV.

In March the Organic Law of the University System (USLO) was approved. According to Article 80 of the Law, in principle, substitute teachers will not attend the full day, reducing their wages. In this sense, it is expected that for 800 euros a month a plaza will be replaced, which may last a year, as explained in the article signed by 1,142 professors and researchers from the UPV. Jon Azkune, a member of the Precarious Coordinator of the UPV/EHU, denounced in an interview in ARGIA that the UPV interpreted the law "based on its interests".

The Coordinator has conducted the concentration together with the unions LAB, ELA, Steilas and CCOO. They have launched four petitions. On the one hand, cover all replacements of full-time teaching and research staff with full-time contracts. In addition, reduce the number of part-time contracts and establish a living wage for these contracts. Finally, they ask the Basque Government to offer the UPV/EHU legal political support to interpret the new image of teachers established by the USLO in the previous terms.

The unions have advanced on Wednesday that they will mobilize. Azkun also said in the interview that "if things do not change", there will be a strike.

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