BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

They congratulate Bilbao on the Tour with the ikurrina: some happy and others angry

  • German cyclist Pello Bilbao won the Tour de France race on Tuesday. From the Twitter account of the championship they have congratulated at first with a flag from Spain, but after two minutes they have taken the tweet and put the ikurrina on it. Some have welcomed it with joy, but among others it has provoked a stir.

12 July 2023 - 10:26
Last updated: 15:59
Antolakuntzak egindako aldaketa / Argazkia: Twitter bidez

Gernikarra Pello Bilbao won the race on Tuesday, from the Tour account they congratulated the flag of Spain, which after two minutes was run with an ikurrina.

Many Basque users have congratulated the organization’s attitude towards the recognition of Euska Herria, in which the messages of thanks as the underlying have prevailed.


Others, however, have not seen with good eyes the withdrawal of the flag of Spain, and have made many comments, as can be seen below, that Bilbao is the Spanish, for example, for lack of respect for Spain and for “vivid Spain”.

Asked Ikurriñas to leave the Tour

Knowing that the Tour de France would start from Euskal Herria, they launched different dynamics to claim that we are a nation. The cyclist Pello Bilbao joined the campaign of Cinct Esku Dago and encouraged fans to take out ikurriñas, as you can see in the video below.


You are interested in the channel: Euskal Herria
Genozidioa gelditzeko eskatu du Gasteizko hezkuntza komunitateak Palestinaren aldeko ekimen jendetsuan

Ehunka herritarrek egin dute bat hainbat hezkuntza zentrok, guraso elkartek eta sindikatuk antolatutako deialdiarekin, Palestinako umeak gureak ere badira. Genozidioa gelditu! lelopean. Sarea Euskal Herri osora zabaldu nahi dute sustatzaileek.

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