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Then I live in peace

'Laupabortz aire ttipi' | Haira | Usopop, 2023
'Laupabortz aire ttipi' | Haira | Usopop, 2023

Xori berriketaria is the song of 1871. 200 years easy to say, eh. It was the year of the Paris Commune. The word imperialism was not yet born, but practice was. And there he was, Jean Baptiste Elizaburu of Sara, in Egypt, fighting for Napoleon against his will.

The Saratarra wrote some verses that he spoke to a bird that had been flying from his people, from his pain for the people and from the lack of people he loves. Ask the Txoriñoa to talk about his people: “Membrane by kinship, membrane with good friend, / Membrane without forgetting me, all those who wanted me.”

They don't spend the years in vain, and that world is not everything anymore. Wars do, but revolutions do not take place here, unfortunately. But how much have human feelings changed? I'm not going to tell you to be universal, like desire, because it's built. But how many ways to sing loneliness are there? How to get inside feelings?

The years are not wasted, but the biggest is the newest, because you can never solve it. Peio Erramouspe also drinks from the infinite source of tradition. The lineage of the bertsolaris and singers, his legacy is the most praised of the traditional Basque songs, and he is now publishing it as he knows, with synthesizers and electronic music.Despite being a short trip, Laupabortz has made a fast and powerful journey
in a wonderful aerial work. In addition to the song commented, Goizintza Ihintza, Nauna, nauna jin, Ves in the morning and Anillo has united in his careful work with the Usopop label. The latter is very popular, of which there is a different singing – XVIII. That is, the version of the red leg Eper, which comes from the century.

Each song has its careful atmosphere and there is one that comes out above all: You see it in the morning. He developed it in a magical stay organized by friends of Usopope, on the tip of Mount Larrun. With Annelise Cazamayou, Felix Buff, Jona Bonnetta, Xabi Etxeberri and Maia Iribarne... What do you want me to tell you? One of the most beautiful Basque songs of the year.

A diver. That's a good musician. And that's already the Haira de Peio Erramouspe. He who enters the ocean and brings treasures to others. If the world is not over, we will continue to sing important things in 200 years' time. Find homes to live in peace.

2023ko uztailaren 02a
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