BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

I think to some people right away, they tell me something and I don't feel suspicious. I can get angry, but I believe you. Believing or not believing often has nothing to do with truth, but with likelihood. You have to be a good story to make lying look more like the truth. And what's desirable in fiction, in reality, isn't that way. We don't want people to tell us lies well, because we prefer to lie. Elections come to us, and politics should tell us about reality, truth, and truth, but I have the doubt, as in stories, that some speeches themselves don't tell us two stories. What they tell us and what they hide.

I believe Aitor Esteban that when he says that the law of sexual freedom is confusing, that he needs to clarify some puntos.No I agree, but I think it is not him, but that the society he represents does not understand. What he was telling him had a lot of truth. And instead, I don't think that housing law has rejected it because it invades competences. And the latter has been the most exploited by the campaign, even the most unlikely. But someone thought it was a good story, and it will be, given the number of votes they received.

Elections arrive and half are thrown at us and the lies are truly disguised, and politics is not a field of fiction, although it is important to tell a truth well, and to do so you have to use stories that are sometimes not. But as the story tells us a story, it wants us to see a truth that doesn't tell. When a politician tells us a story, he doesn't always want to make that underlying truth better understood, he wants to hide it. He wants to hide, he does not vote for what he believes. Watch out for stories politicians do not count.

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