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Nothing or suffocation

'Ura leporaino' | Usue Egia | DenonArtean, 2022
'Ura leporaino' | Usue Egia | DenonArtean, 2022

The book I want to bring today is a comic book of about 230 pages, autobiographical material by Usue Egia. With Durango's Sor(s)-leku (s) scholarship, he became the first Ezust-krak project in the graphic novel "Ura".

The book is divided into three sections: the first is the most occupied, the longest. We will know from the beginning that it has a daily form, as it will open the page with the number of lines "Sunday 15 March 2020". I've brought the whole date, on the one hand, because if we look back, most of us will remember what we did that particular day. But especially because it places us in the context of the book: It is the day the closure was imposed that initially had to last two weeks due to COVID-19. As the author explains, he challenged himself to draw five hours a day in an attempt to order this closure and create a routine. Written in the first person (except in the passages in which he speaks to himself), he collects very rewarding anecdotes (for example, the habit of doing sports at home), the words we used to make reflections (the "resilience" or "the new normality"), as well as the desires of the protagonist of those days, the dreams of nights and the music heard and the books read will have a lot of room.

The second part is quite short and there is temporal ellipsis of one month from the previous section. It is the four-day report between confinement (1st part) and total deconfinement (3rd part), a bridge between the two. The author teaches us how to recover what had been drawn until then and to re-read the work done. He continues to use the mood tone he has used in the first part and I have found myself reading with a smile on several occasions.

In the third part the pandemic still has a place (contamination, disease, kiss...). ) and reflects the experience of the author during decontainment. The end seemed a bit quick, perhaps a bit decompensated by the initial part.

The drawings made in blue color sew the book and the composition of leaves without cartoons breathes to the reading, as the Truth itself says. It should be noted that the drawings are misadapted. I mean, they're in the book as those days came up.

Many of us missed out and felt we had water to the neck. I imagine we soon started reading other materials from the time of the epidemic. But it is to be welcomed that Egia has registered and published his journal. What we can also remember and make a story with perspective to ourselves.

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