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'Socratic', what do you know about Lurbintto?


Presently, immediacy prevails in all areas. At work, in relationships, in leisure time, we want to achieve everything, and then. Students, in most cases, are educated in this preventive priority and many, even if they have skills, do not want to be strong. People, mockery and children survive intellectual inference, and it's hard for them to think of a gift, which I find worrying for the future.

The consumer system feeds the discharge of laziness. Do you know there are readers, apps to do the homework of students in October? Socratic, for example, is one of them: enter the subject of your work and answer you, the dissertation as well. And two people ask for the same subject and never gives the same answer, always offers a simple one. What's surprising is that the app is plagiarized, it's creative. In fact, artificial intelligence is sufficiently developed to complete the original result at all times. Consequently, the teacher cannot perceive where the young person's work is.

We do not yet know this application in Ttipis schools, especially in rural areas, but it will be extended so safely, and who knows, it will become normal for students. Well, will the young people of the future not be hoodies when answering literary and philosophical questions? Are they not going to pass towels instead of clearing the headaches, building problem-solving strategies, analyzing concepts, reading, learning, flourishing intellectually and getting used to it?

It is true that the socioeconomic context values the results of the processes. Already in 1935, Paul Valéry said that it was very possible to see that the students sought the bass, not the path that led them to the bass, and that, instead of savoring the culture, they could only swallow summaries and synthesis to have the diploma of just what they needed, because the diploma crowds work and a place in society and they did not accumulate wisdom and prudence for years. Also at a higher level, immediate and fruitful and valued research is very fruitful and useful: it only achieves the contempt of the institutions who will propose a thorough and profound vision.

Well, will the young people of the future not be hoodies when answering literary and philosophical questions?

In this situation, it is to be welcomed the recent publication of Adur Larrea in Lurbintto of the comic book, a real treasure, after ten years of archives and footprints. The story told us by this rich book awarded by the Basque Country Kultur Erakundea and the Elkar Foundation follows the Gerla Convention, in which thieves who, after the destruction of Iparralde by terror and wars, were deserters returned to the people. Captured by the seizure of their property, they took refuge in the Alzuieta house in the area of Itsasu Lurbintto, despite the fact that the citizens knew perfectly well who they were, and organized attacks on the occupants of their houses, trying to take steps to the famous French Mandrin ohoin. The work of Adur is very beautiful graphically and attracts the events of the time: an immense atmosphere, the misery of the people, the exile of priests and others, the massacre mandated by Cavaignac and Pinet, the fear of guillotine, the Labortana deportation, the Perkain ball matches, the ports of the robbers. On the other hand, there are bibliographic and documentary values, as well as verses from that time. Adur offers us here a delicious tasting, that someone who knows how to waste time afterwards could throw up a thesis.

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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