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The UPV creates the Chair of Cybersecurity on an Israeli university

  • The memory of the project has collaborating international bodies, among which the University of Tel Aviv stands out as "reference". According to the documentation obtained by El Salto, the new chair was approved a few days after the Zionist government began the genocide in Gaza.
EHU/UPV-ko Leioako kanpuseko liburutegia.

14 March 2024 - 07:30

The University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) approved the creation of the Chair of Cybersecurity at the Governing Council on 22 February, following the partnership agreement signed in October 2023 with the Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE). Next Generation is part of the European funding plan (pandemic recovery, transformation and resilience plan). The Chair aims to "disseminate actions to promote the culture of cybersecurity in Spain", as they have written in their text, as well as to generate, transmit and disseminate knowledge and skills specialized in cybersecurity.

According to the agreement, the UPV/EHU will launch an online platform for "training and training as a continuous training cycle". In particular, they want to encourage collaboration with "international reference universities" such as the University of Tel Aviv. It is expected that 500 students will be recruited and about 300 companies will be involved, at least ten universities and 25 vocational training centres. The initial budget shall not exceed EUR 1.65 million.

Request to the UPV/EHU not to have contact with Israel

On February 29, the majority of the UPV/EHU faculty requested the management team to have no relationship with institutions, companies, universities or research centers of the State of Israel. In the face of genocide, the UPV/EHU community could "contribute more effectively" as an institution to assume an active role "in the face of the silence it maintains". The team led by Dr. Eva Ferreira García seems to have taken the opposite course.

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Experience in Basque

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