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Pedro Sánchez will continue in office

  • The president of the Spanish Government calls for "fair play" and calls for "reflection": "We will show the world how democracy is defended". Understand that it will become "stronger."

29 April 2024 - 11:10
Last updated: 14:23

After five days of "reflection" and silence, the President of the Spanish Government spoke at 11:00 in the morning at the Moncloa Palace in Madrid, closing the doors of the press. After a prior visit to the king of Spain to communicate his decision, Sánchez meets three people nearby: the secretary of organization of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán, the minister of presidency, Félix Bolaños, and the first vice-president, María Jesús Montero.

After five days of suspension, Sánchez has given him the impression that he will become "stronger", even though he is doing a "hard" situation: "My wife and I know that this campaign against my name is not going to end, because we have been doing 10 years and so... We are going to hold it".

"We will show the world how democracy is defended," says Sánchez. His reading is that "for a long time" Spanish society has recognized "the dream of private life". He says that we must "face it" because we must not "accept" certain behaviors.

On the weekend the PSOE held demonstrations in Madrid in favor of Pedro Sánchez. The President of the Spanish Government has acknowledged the influence of these mobilisations and having said that, he has expressed his thanks to the PSOE.

Judicial proceedings against Sánchez's wife

Juan Carlos Peiz, 41 from Madrid, accepted the complaint of corruption and influence traffic brought by Manos Limpia against Begoña Gómez, wife of Pedro Sánchez. The Judge of the Examining Court. On Wednesday, Manos Limpia accepted the complaint lodged by a number of far-right media, secretly raising the issue.

In a few hours, President Sánchez said he would spend five days in silence by letter on the networks. And once this is known, Manos Limpia himself announced that his complaint is based on media information, but that the union doesn't know if that's true, and that's the judge's job. Clean Hands wanted to get rid of the responsibility for the allegations that are considered false.

Who is behind the ultra-right Clean Hands trade union? Read Xabier Letona at the end of this article.

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