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The Navarre Parliament rejects UPN's attempt to equalize victims and coup d'état in 1936

  • The Committee on Memory and Coexistence, Foreign Action and the Basque Country rejected the motion tabled by UPN that required the inclusion in the memory database of the Report to the victims of the 1936 War in the territories under the control of the Republic. The motion was supported by the PP and Vox, but the other parties were against it.
Iñaki Iriarte, UPNren parlamentaria eta mozioaren aurkezlea. Irudia: Nafarroako Parlamentua

08 May 2024 - 11:14
Last updated: 2024-05-09 10:21:20

In the context of the review of the historical memory and the reimposition of the story of the winners of the 1936 War, the right in the Spanish state, UPN has submitted a motion in the Parliament of Navarra to include in the database of the Oroibidea memory the victims of the territories under control of the Republic.

For this political group, it is not justified "to exclude from the digital archive of civil war and Franco the victims of the republican forces and their allies". The proposal introduces into a single sack the beaters who started the uprising in 1936 and the Republican victims who were shot for being leftist ideas and left on the margins for at least 40 years.

The proposal introduces into a single sack the beaters who started the uprising in 1936 and the Republican victims who were shot for being leftist ideas and left on the margins for at least 40 years.

The motion has not prospered, despite the support of the PP and Vox, because the PSN, EH Bildu, Geroa Bai and Sozialistak-Tú groups have opposed it.

Legal Inma, a member of the PSN, believes that it would be "an attack on dignity". Arantxa Izurdiaga, from EH Bildu, recalled that while the victims of the Republican party have forgotten themselves, the Francoists have been honored and beatified in many cases: "Yes, there were victors and oppressed," he confirmed. For Miguel Garrido of Austria-Euskadi, this motion only seeks to "whiten" Franco. The News Journal summarizes the interventions of the political groups.

In the same vein, Geroa Bai, Mikel Asiain, mentioned that the objective of the Report is to repair those who suffered the repression and institutional neglect. The database contains the names of 23,000 people and all information and documentation relating to these victims is available on the web.

Exposure to the Dead in 1936

The Instituto de la Memoria de Navarra inaugurated a travelling exhibition in Lodosa on Tuesday afternoon, with the presence of the vice-president of Navarra, Ana Ollo, to portray the mass graves of 1936 and to remind the victims who died in Navarra by the 1936 military coup. The exposure, called 3,526*, refers to the number of people shot in the territory.

Images of the exhibition. In the photo on the right, Monreal roof pit. Photo: Ángel Sánchez Garro / Instituto Navarro de la Memoria

In Navarra it is estimated that there are more than 200 graves that buried the remains of the shooting, of which pictures of 39 are shown, from the hand of photographer Ángel Sánchez Garro

In the represented graves, 671 people were merged "without any legal procedure, in the name of the new order that the rebels wanted to create in July 1936", notes the Institute of Memory. Therefore, these photographs account for one fifth of the total number of people shot.

But beyond "simple and cold statistics", these photographs aim to show that victims and their families "have managed to reduce silence and invisibility" in the face of this cruel strategy, which families and society have managed not to forget their names through resistance, and in many cases recover their bodies.

The exhibition will remain open until May 17 at the Casa de Cultura de Lodosa and will tour the villages.

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