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Onintza Enbeita: "As the aggressor moves with impunity, the victim fears going out alone to the street"

  • The complaint filed by Mario López to four citizens has been filed by the judge. Social media and the streets filled with protests when a basketball player reported that Loint, Gernika’s sports coach Mario López, committed sexual abuse. On the return, López denounced four citizens, including Onintza Enbeitia, for their persecution on social networks. ARGIA interviewed Embeita: "The victim is the target and we are the target people we have not questioned the victim."
"Ez bazaudete isilik, zuen aurka joango gara" mezua ere badu atzean Onintza Enbeita eta beste hiru herritarrek jasotako salaketak, dio Enbeitak. Argazkia: EITB

Bertsolari Onintza Enbeita, the musician Asier Musatadi and two other neighbours of Busturialdea who do not want to sign up have looked at the focus of Mario López and a former leader of the basketball team, who upon coming to light have pointed and persecuted López and the manager on social networks. On Tuesday, four neighbors came to testify and a day later Enbeitia tells ARGIA that the case has been filed.

They have denounced you for comments from social networks. Many tweets were written, both against Mario López and to report that the club maintained its relationship with him. But only you have denounced the four. Why you?

The victim is our best friend and this complaint is a desire to tighten their environment, a way of saying “you dare to denounce us, we do not give in so easily”. On the one hand, there is an effort to turn the aggressor into a victim (“look what malignant they are, they have not respected the principle of innocence”), and on the other, there is a desire to re-victimize the victim, to turn to their closest environment. Otherwise, it is not understood why we all four, knowing that the name and surname is not exactly mentioned in our tweets.

"The victim says Mario Lopez first raped her at 13. You can't look the other way at something like this, they didn't leave for the victim from the beginning, how can you not question the club's attitude? Me and half Gernika!"

Have you not been the subject of the complaint, but the victim?

The aim is the victim and the people we have not questioned. Because the complaint also has the message “if they are not silent, we are against”. We believed him from the outset and at the beginning there was a certain tone on the part of the club and Mario Lopez’s surroundings to question the victim (“Many years have passed, the principle of innocence must be respected…”).

In fact, the club’s attitude and maintaining the club’s relationship with Mario López has also provoked the rope.

In Lauon's case, tweets are totally denouncing the club's attitude, without a name and surname, and I still think what was said then. The club lies [said it did not know sexual abuse and the feminist network then clarified that it had the club informed], and that is what we know publicly. If he talks to his parents, to the club members…, he realizes that he looked the other way more times, and I will say that enthusiastically: the victim says that Mario López raped her for the first time at 13 and that she continued for three years. Well, you can't look the other way at something like this, they didn't leave for the victim from the beginning, they maintained the relationship with Lopez, how can you not question the club's attitude? Me and half Gernika!

Is the play not going to be against Mario López? Will this denunciation not create greater opposition in the people?

The four denounced were clear (although two want to remain anonymous) in April that this complaint had to be said publicly, so that people know that there is a victim here who lives in fear of walking alone in the village and an aggressor who moves with impunity in the village, in the poteo and in others, making a normal life, and even making accusations against us. At least this issue has enabled us to take the issue back to the streets so that people do not forget it.

How is the victim?

As I say, while the aggressor moves with total impunity, the victim fears going out alone to the street. The complaint he made a long time ago and is lengthening for the trial to take place as soon as possible, so that he can close this chapter and find the way forward.

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