Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

A quarter of the Navarros are about to be in poverty or in this situation.

  • 10.9% of the population is in a situation of exclusion and 14.5% at risk, both the lowest data in the Spanish state according to the Arope rate, according to the President of the Foral Parliament, Unai Hualde.

25 October 2023 - 10:57
GEPeko ordezkariak eta nafar parlamentariak, urrairen 17an Foru Legebiltzarrean. (Argazkia: Nafarroako Legebiltzarra)

One in four Navarros is about to be in such a situation or social exclusion. This is what the Arope poverty research rate says, to which President of the Foral Parliament, Unai Hualde, refers. However, he performed a positive reading of the data: Navarre is the community with the lowest rates of poverty, with 10.9% of the population and 14.5% of the population at risk.”

At the annual event in Parliament on 17 October, coinciding with the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (GEP), Hualde recalled the latest news: “Today, we must remember Palestine and the migratory movements of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. It's very cruel. There is no partisanship on these issues. Whatever it commands, we must work for a society without exclusions.”

He pointed out that Navarre is “a Parliament that pays special attention to the realities closest to us and also to those outside our borders”. “But we need great consensus to guarantee all rights to all people.”

In this regard, it regretted the position of Vox, which blocked the adoption of the joint text of WFP and Parliament to eradicate poverty: “For today’s exercise we have not been able to adopt an institutional declaration on the unanimous demand that is not possible without the support of Vox,” he explained. However, the ultra-right parliamentarian Maite Nosti stood in the official photo of the event along with other politicians and representatives of the GEP.

The GEP consists of the following associations: the Coordinadora de ONG de Navarra, the Network of Alternative and Solidarity Economy (REAS Navarra), the Navarra Network against Poverty and Social Exclusion and the Navarra Commission of Representative Organizations of People with Disabilities (CERMIN). A total of 160 organizations work for social justice, including SOS Racism, Paris 365, CEAR or Lantxotegi.

PSG representatives Jon González and Andrea Corera called on political forces on 17 October to "end poverty and inequality in Navarre" and "strengthen commitment to impoverished countries": "In Navarra 96,000 people are at risk of poverty. Records are even worse when we talk about disability, as the average income is lower and the expenses are higher. Prejudice and discrimination greatly hinder social and employment integration".

Amidst this "difficult and complicated" situation, WFP calls for a "strengthening of solidarity economic models" that give priority to the local economy, guarantee decent jobs, environmental commitment and offer opportunities to people at risk of exclusion.

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