BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Trench, ground dog and chir-chir topo

  • Birds start the summer with a sweet chir-chir-chir-chir-chir-chir-chir-chir-chir-a. Bertsolari Eusebio Mugertza Azpiazu “Mendaro Txirristaka” and “Kilimongo Duea” (1874-1955) said: “Txantxangorriyas feel at dawn as a txir-txir singer.” In the orchards of the sweet lands you hear another chir-chir, the chir-chir-chir topo; in Oleta de Aramaio they call it this way, I learned that in Ziortza-Bolibar it is called “ground dog” and in our, in the Beterri of Gipuzkoa, it is a bear.

05 June 2023 - 11:32
Last updated: 2023-06-07 12:41:38

At this time of the year, the Bear sings very strongly, especially at sunset, and seems to be like the Txir-txirra de la Tarta. The topo, the singing topo, has a life similar to that of the sand bass or the topo: it lives underground, making galleries, attacking the roots of plants and cutting them off. The plant can be completely cut through the back and cause significant damage. It will also eat without piety the catches in front: worms, worms, ants… The page of March 1, 1959 of the Arantzazu calendar says: “Sow and keep good peppers and dried tomatoes, if you don’t want to be lost your lenses or ties and spells.” But he really likes to eat: the little piece and other predators, the starch, the hedgehog, the satine, the rat, the fox and the mole. In Asia, their friends also eat. Here the bait for fishing for some fish is ideal.

The txir-txir singing of the spring sunsets is of the bush. For his songs to have a special air, the male works in the construction of special corners in the underground holes so that the female can choose. He will be an artist, since the machines of the tunnels are based on his technique of grounding.

It's a malignant bug for the gardener, which wastes many plants. And of course, he knows where to live: the riverbank on red lands, the best lands to make orchard where his food is. Zomorrotxar barbalot rooting! The Duke of Kilimón himself said: “Hen in Litxarreriy, topo and luartza.”

With their names we have a good salsa, let's see when some zoologist addresses this issue. One of his names in Spanish is “Alacrán”, like the arrabios, and I think that is where all confusion comes from. When the words “arrabio” and “bear” have been collected, they have been given one of Spanish and he himself and have now been caught. Manuel Larramendi, in his 1745 dictionary, states that it is a roar “Alacran and any ponzoñous animalillo” and can not be surprised with the name of the carrocada given to the bear: the same brush, the luoso, the dirt dog, the chir-chir sator, the sicilized, twenty-four hours, otxabarri, jabizalmirio,

Txir-txir and scope-pio, does your song even resemble that of the chitons?

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