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LAB wins in the Navarra Administration

  • On Wednesday, trade union elections were held in the Navarra administration and 319 representatives were elected by civil servants and employees. Steilas has been the most voted in education.
Argazkia: Nafarroako Gobernua

18 May 2023 - 13:07
Last updated: 15:39

Data from Osasunbidea (13,189 workers) and the Hacienda Foral are still missing, but LAB has far won the elections with 77 representatives (5 more than in 2019). Second, AFAPNA with 43 representatives (5 more) and CCOO with 37. The latter union has obtained 2 more representatives, but from the latter it has regressed to the third place.

ELA holds the fourth place with 30 representatives (four more) and is followed by SMN, Medical Union of Navarra 29, ANPE 20, UGT 18 and Steilas 15. It should be noted that Steilas is the education union and is the most voted union in this area.

32,189 workers are entitled to vote and 10,517 have voted, 54.82% of those entitled, almost a point less than four years ago (55.29%). The areas that voted the most were: the Foral Police (90.33%), the Navarro Institute of Sport (80.88%) and the Navarro Employment Service (75.6%). These are all data disseminated by the Government of Navarra and the results obtained in other areas can be consulted here.

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